If you have ever had the pleasure of meeting a girl named Laura Goldhamer, then you have also had the pleasure of walking into the sun. Goldhamer is bright. She’s eccentric. She’s motivated and focused. And at the end of the night, she probably puts on one of the most intriguing and jaw-dropping shows in town.” – Jonathan Bitz, Denver Syntax

Laura Goldhamer draws from a variety of purely American traditions; however, Laura’s ability to merge traditional Americana with the avant-garde, mixing inventive homemade technologies with earnest folk, is particularly noteworthy.  During performances, she projects her intricately composed stop-animation films (which she has created to illustrate her song lyrics).  These visuals are synced with live music delivery, as well as with an installation of her self-constructed speaker/drum/doorbell machine, affectionately named “The Roboctopus”, which is an eight-channel robotic percussive ensemble using speakers in drums, doorbells on music stands, and solenoids rigged up to hit cymbals.

As a folk songwriter, guitarist, old-time banjo player, stop-motion animator, & instrument inventor, Goldhamer enlivens crowds with laughter and awe, conveying her intimate and focused energy in a unified and immersive musical, visual, and kinetic performance.


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